In the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey", a super computer installed on a spaceship named HAL betrays the human crew ends up killing most of them. When it was asked before about its reliability, HAL said "The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000
computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all,
by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of
error." I think what HAL said reflects what people believe today with technologies. We completely trust our technologies and can't imagine them making a mistake. I think this movie sends a subliminal message, which is to be aware of technologies in the future because becoming too dependent on them is dangerous.
The improving technologies are providing us with huge benefits but also with consequences. For example, many people who are addicted to smartphones become reluctant towards speaking to other people. Global security adviser, Marc Goodman gives a much more global and dangerous one in this article. He states that new technologies have "unintended consequences". Providing criminals and terrorists with new weapons is one of them. For example, in the attack on Mumbai, India, the terrorists used modern communication technologies to locate more people and killed them. The terrorists even used mobile devices to search backgrounds of their victims and they used these backgrounds to determine whether to kill them or not. As technologies improve, not only do they make our lives easier, but they also make terrorists and criminals easy to kill their victims.
Do you think technology is making us vulnerable?
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