Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Police Commissioner Forced to Resign

"I believe I did use the 'N' word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse. For this, I do not apologize - he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."  These were the words written to a resident of a town in New Hampshire by the police commissioner of the townThe controversy started when one resident of the town overheard the commissioner Rober Copeland making racist comments about president Obama loudly in a public restaurant. The resident wrote a letter to the town manager about the incident and Copeland replied by the words I have on the top of this paragraph. The commissioner, Robert Copeland, who is currently 82 years old, sat "with his arms crossed at a packed town meeting" while angry residents called for his resignation over the racist comment he has made in a public place. (CNN) It was later confirmed that the police commission received the resignation letter from Copeland.  Read the full article here.

I feel disappointed to hear a news like this, and I believe it was a very reasonable decision that Robert Copeland decided to resign his position as a police commissioner. It is very sad to hear that a person who had a job that was supposed to protect people of the town, ends up resigning his job because the people desired him to. At the same time it makes me wonder if anyone in the police commission bothered to stop Copeland before he had to go far enough to make a loud racist comment in a public restaurant where everyone at the place could have heard him. I think it makes the people who chose to overlook the commissioner's racist personality be at the same level with Copeland.

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