Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Film Rating System

Why do we have the film movie rating system(CARA)? As a big movie guy myself, I believe this is a fundamental question in the cinema world that gets overlooked a lot. However, this might be because when you think about it, the asnwer is just too obvious and yes, it is. Today's film rating system was established to give the parents a general information they need to decide if the film is appopriate for the family. Many people believe that the PG-13 rating was created for a specific age group like the Rated-R rating. It was actually created to simply warn the parents that PG-13 movies have elements more extreme than PG or G movies and that they should look into the contents of the movie more to make sure their children can watch it.
What I thought was the most interesting thing was the fact that the CARA is continuously evolving so that it fits the current sensitivities of the family. It is said that elements in movies such as violence, drug use, language, sexuality are periodically re-evaluated through surveys. I question how sensitivities towards these elements could change over time. Are people becoming numb to these elements by being exposed to them so much? How extreme will these elements become in the future? The ultimate purpose of CARA is for films to be connected to the appopraite audiences but I feel like this fundamental rule is slowly being compromised.

Read the full article here.

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